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25 Drottinn talaði við Móse á Sínaífjalli og sagði:

"Tala þú til Ísraelsmanna og seg við þá: Þegar þér komið í land það, sem ég mun gefa yður, þá skal landið halda Drottni hvíld.

Sex ár skalt þú sá akur þinn og sex ár skalt þú sniðla víngarð þinn og safna gróðrinum.

En sjöunda árið skal vera helgihvíld fyrir landið, hvíldartími Drottni til handa. Akur þinn skalt þú ekki sá og víngarð þinn skalt þú ekki sniðla.

Korn það, er vex sjálfsáið eftir uppskeru þína, skalt þú eigi skera, og vínber óskorins vínviðar þíns skalt þú eigi lesa. Það skal vera hvíldarár fyrir landið.

Gróður landsins um hvíldartímann skal vera yður til fæðu, þér, þræli þínum og ambátt, kaupamanni þínum og útlendum búanda, er hjá þér dvelja.

Og fénaði þínum og villidýrunum, sem í landi þínu eru, skal allur gróður þess vera til fæðu.

Þú skalt telja sjö hvíldarár, sjö ár sjö sinnum, svo að tími þeirra sjö hvíldarára verði fjörutíu og níu ár.

Og þá skaltu í sjöunda mánuðinum, tíunda dag mánaðarins, láta hvellilúðurinn gjalla. Friðþægingardaginn skuluð þér láta lúðurinn gjalla um gjörvallt land yðar,

10 og helga þannig hið fimmtugasta árið og boða frelsi í landinu fyrir alla íbúa þess. Það skal vera yður fagnaðarár. Þá skuluð þér hverfa aftur hver og einn til óðals síns, og þá skuluð þér hverfa aftur hver og einn til ættar sinnar.

11 Fagnaðarár skal fimmtugasta árið vera yður. Þér skuluð eigi sá og eigi uppskera það, sem vex sjálfsáið það ár, né heldur skuluð þér þá lesa vínber af óskornum vínviðum.

12 Því að það er fagnaðarár. Það sé yður heilagt. Skuluð þér eta af jörðinni það er á henni sprettur.

13 Á þessu fagnaðarári skuluð þér hverfa aftur hver og einn til óðals síns.

14 Þá er þú selur náunga þínum eitthvað eða þú kaupir eitthvað af náunga þínum, þá skuluð þér eigi sýna hver öðrum ójöfnuð.

15 Eftir því, hve mörg ár eru liðin frá fagnaðarári, skalt þú kaupa af náunga þínum, eftir því, hve uppskeruárin eru mörg, skal hann selja þér.

16 Því fleiri sem árin eru, því hærra skalt þú setja verðið, og því færri sem árin eru, því lægra skalt þú setja það, því að það er uppskerufjöldinn, sem hann selur þér.

17 Og þér skuluð eigi sýna hver öðrum ójöfnuð, heldur skalt þú óttast Guð þinn, því að ég er Drottinn, Guð yðar.

18 Fyrir því skuluð þér halda setningar mínar og varðveita lög mín og halda þau, svo að þér megið óhultir búa í landinu.

19 Þá mun landið gefa gróður sinn og þér eta yður sadda og búa óhultir í því.

20 Og ef þér segið: ,Hvað skulum vér eta sjöunda árið, þá er vér sáum eigi og hirðum eigi gróður vorn?`

21 þá vil ég senda yður blessun mína sjötta árið, og mun það leiða fram gróður til þriggja ára.

22 Og áttunda árið skuluð þér sá og eta af ávextinum, gamla forðanum. Til hins níunda árs, til þess er gróður þess fæst, skuluð þér eta gamla forðann.

23 Landið skal eigi selt fyrir fullt og allt, því að landið er mín eign, því að þér eruð dvalarmenn og hjábýlingar hjá mér.

24 Fyrir því skuluð þér í öllu eignarlandi yðar láta land falt til lausnar.

25 Ef bróðir þinn gjörist snauður og hann selur nokkuð af óðali sínu, þá skal lausnarmaður hans koma til, sá er það stendur næst, og leysa það, er bróðir hans hefir selt.

26 Nú hefir einhver engan lausnarmann, en er kominn svo í efni, að hann á fyrir lausnargjaldinu.

27 Þá skal hann telja árin frá því, er hann seldi, en það, sem yfir hefir, skal hann endurgreiða manni þeim, er hann seldi, og hverfur hann þá aftur til óðals síns.

28 En hafi hann ekki efni til að leysa, þá skal það, er hann hefir selt, vera í höndum kaupanda til fagnaðarárs. En á fagnaðarárinu gengur það úr eigu hans, og hverfur hann þá aftur til óðals síns.

29 Nú selur einhver íbúðarhús í múrgirtri borg, og skal honum heimilt að leysa það í heilt ár frá því, er hann seldi. Lausnarréttur hans skal vera tímabundinn.

30 En sé það ekki leyst áður en fullt ár er liðið, þá skal hús í múrgirtri borg verða full eign kaupanda og niðja hans. Það skal eigi ganga úr eigu hans fagnaðarárið.

31 En hús í þorpum, sem eigi eru múrgirt allt í kring, skulu talin með landi sveitarinnar. Þau skal jafnan heimilt að leysa, og þau skulu ganga úr eigu kaupanda á fagnaðarárinu.

32 Borgir levítanna, húsin í eignarborgum þeirra, skal levítunum heimilt að leysa á hverjum tíma sem er.

33 Og ef einhver af levítunum leysir eigi, þá skal selt hús ganga úr eigu kaupanda á fagnaðarárinu, sé það í eignarborg hans, því að húsin í borgum levítanna eru óðalseign þeirra meðal Ísraelsmanna.

34 En landið, er liggur undir borgir þeirra, skal eigi selja, því að það er ævinleg eign þeirra.

35 Ef bróðir þinn kemst í fátækt og verður ósjálfbjarga hjá þér, þá skalt þú styðja hann sem dvalarmann og hjábýling, svo að hann geti lifað hjá þér.

36 Þú skalt eigi taka fjárleigu af honum né aukagjald, heldur skalt þú óttast Guð þinn, svo að bróðir þinn geti lifað hjá þér.

37 Þú skalt eigi ljá honum silfur þitt gegn leigu, né heldur hjálpa honum um matvæli þín gegn aukagjaldi.

38 Ég er Drottinn, Guð yðar, sem leiddi yður út af Egyptalandi til þess að gefa yður Kanaanland og vera Guð yðar.

39 Komist bróðir þinn í fátækt hjá þér og selur sig þér, þá skalt þú ekki láta hann vinna þrælavinnu.

40 Sem kaupamaður, sem hjábýlingur skal hann hjá þér vera. Hann skal vinna hjá þér til fagnaðarárs.

41 En þá skal hann fara frá þér, og börn hans með honum, og hverfa aftur til ættar sinnar, og hann skal hverfa aftur til óðals feðra sinna.

42 Því að þeir eru þjónar mínir, sem ég hefi leitt út af Egyptalandi. Eigi skulu þeir seldir mansali.

43 Þú skalt eigi drottna yfir honum með hörku, heldur skalt þú óttast Guð þinn.

44 Viljir þú fá þér þræla og ambáttir, þá skuluð þér kaupa þræla og ambáttir af þjóðunum, sem umhverfis yður búa.

45 Svo og af börnum hjábýlinga, er hjá yður dvelja, af þeim skuluð þér kaupa og af ættliði þeirra, sem hjá yður er og þeir hafa getið í landi yðar, og þau skulu verða eign yðar.

46 Og þér skuluð láta þá ganga í arf til barna yðar eftir yður, svo að þau verði eign þeirra. Þér skuluð hafa þau að ævinlegum þrælum. En yfir bræðrum yðar, Ísraelsmönnum, skuluð þér eigi drottna með hörku, einn yfir öðrum.

47 Komist dvalarmaður eða hjábýlingur í efni hjá þér, en bróðir þinn kemst í fátækt hjá honum og selur sig dvalarmanni eða hjábýlingi hjá þér eða afkomanda dvalarmanns ættar,

48 þá skal heimilt að leysa hann eftir að hann hefir selt sig. Heimilt skal einhverjum af bræðrum hans að leysa hann,

49 eða föðurbróður hans eða bræðrungi hans eða einhverjum náfrænda í ætt hans, eða komist hann sjálfur í efni, þá er honum heimilt að leysa sig.

50 Og við þann, sem keypti hann, skal hann reikna frá árinu, er hann seldi sig honum, til fagnaðarársins, og söluverðið skal fara eftir árafjöldanum. Skal hann vera hjá honum ákveðinn tíma, svo sem kaupamaður væri.

51 Ef enn eru mörg ár eftir, þá skal hann að tiltölu við árafjöldann endurgreiða lausnargjald sitt af fé því, er hann var keyptur fyrir,

52 en ef fá ár eru eftir til fagnaðarárs, þá skal hann og reikna honum þau. Eftir áratölunni skal hann endurgreiða lausnargjald sitt.

53 Skal hann sæta sömu kjörum hjá honum eins og sá, sem er kaupamaður ár eftir ár. Hann skal eigi drottna yfir honum með hörku að þér ásjáandi.

54 En sé hann ekki leystur með þessum hætti, þá skal hann ganga úr eigu kaupanda fagnaðarárið, hann og börn hans með honum.

55 Því að Ísraelsmenn eru þjónar mínir, mínir þjónar eru þeir, sem ég hefi leitt út af Egyptalandi. Ég er Drottinn, Guð yðar.

The Sabbath Year

25 The Lord said to Moses at Mount Sinai,(A) “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you enter the land I am going to give you, the land itself must observe a sabbath to the Lord. For six years sow your fields, and for six years prune your vineyards and gather their crops.(B) But in the seventh year the land is to have a year of sabbath rest,(C) a sabbath to the Lord. Do not sow your fields or prune your vineyards.(D) Do not reap what grows of itself(E) or harvest the grapes(F) of your untended vines.(G) The land is to have a year of rest. Whatever the land yields during the sabbath year(H) will be food for you—for yourself, your male and female servants, and the hired worker and temporary resident who live among you, as well as for your livestock and the wild animals(I) in your land. Whatever the land produces may be eaten.

The Year of Jubilee(J)(K)

“‘Count off seven sabbath years—seven times seven years—so that the seven sabbath years amount to a period of forty-nine years. Then have the trumpet(L) sounded everywhere on the tenth day of the seventh month;(M) on the Day of Atonement(N) sound the trumpet throughout your land. 10 Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty(O) throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee(P) for you; each of you is to return to your family property(Q) and to your own clan. 11 The fiftieth year shall be a jubilee(R) for you; do not sow and do not reap what grows of itself or harvest the untended vines.(S) 12 For it is a jubilee and is to be holy for you; eat only what is taken directly from the fields.

13 “‘In this Year of Jubilee(T) everyone is to return to their own property.

14 “‘If you sell land to any of your own people or buy land from them, do not take advantage of each other.(U) 15 You are to buy from your own people on the basis of the number of years(V) since the Jubilee. And they are to sell to you on the basis of the number of years left for harvesting crops. 16 When the years are many, you are to increase the price, and when the years are few, you are to decrease the price,(W) because what is really being sold to you is the number of crops. 17 Do not take advantage of each other,(X) but fear your God.(Y) I am the Lord your God.(Z)

18 “‘Follow my decrees and be careful to obey my laws,(AA) and you will live safely in the land.(AB) 19 Then the land will yield its fruit,(AC) and you will eat your fill and live there in safety.(AD) 20 You may ask, “What will we eat in the seventh year(AE) if we do not plant or harvest our crops?” 21 I will send you such a blessing(AF) in the sixth year that the land will yield enough for three years.(AG) 22 While you plant during the eighth year, you will eat from the old crop and will continue to eat from it until the harvest of the ninth year comes in.(AH)

23 “‘The land(AI) must not be sold permanently, because the land is mine(AJ) and you reside in my land as foreigners(AK) and strangers. 24 Throughout the land that you hold as a possession, you must provide for the redemption(AL) of the land.

25 “‘If one of your fellow Israelites becomes poor and sells some of their property, their nearest relative(AM) is to come and redeem(AN) what they have sold. 26 If, however, there is no one to redeem it for them but later on they prosper(AO) and acquire sufficient means to redeem it themselves, 27 they are to determine the value for the years(AP) since they sold it and refund the balance to the one to whom they sold it; they can then go back to their own property.(AQ) 28 But if they do not acquire the means to repay, what was sold will remain in the possession of the buyer until the Year of Jubilee. It will be returned(AR) in the Jubilee, and they can then go back to their property.(AS)

29 “‘Anyone who sells a house in a walled city retains the right of redemption a full year after its sale. During that time the seller may redeem it. 30 If it is not redeemed before a full year has passed, the house in the walled city shall belong permanently to the buyer and the buyer’s descendants. It is not to be returned in the Jubilee. 31 But houses in villages without walls around them are to be considered as belonging to the open country. They can be redeemed, and they are to be returned in the Jubilee.

32 “‘The Levites always have the right to redeem their houses in the Levitical towns,(AT) which they possess. 33 So the property of the Levites is redeemable—that is, a house sold in any town they hold—and is to be returned in the Jubilee, because the houses in the towns of the Levites are their property among the Israelites. 34 But the pastureland belonging to their towns must not be sold; it is their permanent possession.(AU)

35 “‘If any of your fellow Israelites become poor(AV) and are unable to support themselves among you, help them(AW) as you would a foreigner and stranger, so they can continue to live among you. 36 Do not take interest(AX) or any profit from them, but fear your God,(AY) so that they may continue to live among you. 37 You must not lend them money at interest(AZ) or sell them food at a profit. 38 I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt to give you the land of Canaan(BA) and to be your God.(BB)

39 “‘If any of your fellow Israelites become poor and sell themselves to you, do not make them work as slaves.(BC) 40 They are to be treated as hired workers(BD) or temporary residents among you; they are to work for you until the Year of Jubilee. 41 Then they and their children are to be released, and they will go back to their own clans and to the property(BE) of their ancestors.(BF) 42 Because the Israelites are my servants, whom I brought out of Egypt,(BG) they must not be sold as slaves. 43 Do not rule over them ruthlessly,(BH) but fear your God.(BI)

44 “‘Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. 45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46 You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.

47 “‘If a foreigner residing among you becomes rich and any of your fellow Israelites become poor and sell themselves(BJ) to the foreigner or to a member of the foreigner’s clan, 48 they retain the right of redemption(BK) after they have sold themselves. One of their relatives(BL) may redeem them: 49 An uncle or a cousin or any blood relative in their clan may redeem them. Or if they prosper,(BM) they may redeem themselves. 50 They and their buyer are to count the time from the year they sold themselves up to the Year of Jubilee.(BN) The price for their release is to be based on the rate paid to a hired worker(BO) for that number of years. 51 If many years remain, they must pay for their redemption a larger share of the price paid for them. 52 If only a few years remain until the Year of Jubilee, they are to compute that and pay for their redemption accordingly.(BP) 53 They are to be treated as workers hired from year to year; you must see to it that those to whom they owe service do not rule over them ruthlessly.(BQ)

54 “‘Even if someone is not redeemed in any of these ways, they and their children are to be released in the Year of Jubilee, 55 for the Israelites belong to me as servants. They are my servants, whom I brought out of Egypt.(BR) I am the Lord your God.(BS)

25 And the Lord spake unto Moses in mount Sinai, saying,

Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the land which I give you, then shall the land keep a sabbath unto the Lord.

Six years thou shalt sow thy field, and six years thou shalt prune thy vineyard, and gather in the fruit thereof;

But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land, a sabbath for the Lord: thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard.

That which groweth of its own accord of thy harvest thou shalt not reap, neither gather the grapes of thy vine undressed: for it is a year of rest unto the land.

And the sabbath of the land shall be meat for you; for thee, and for thy servant, and for thy maid, and for thy hired servant, and for thy stranger that sojourneth with thee.

And for thy cattle, and for the beast that are in thy land, shall all the increase thereof be meat.

And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee, seven times seven years; and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years.

Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubile to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land.

10 And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubile unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family.

11 A jubile shall that fiftieth year be unto you: ye shall not sow, neither reap that which groweth of itself in it, nor gather the grapes in it of thy vine undressed.

12 For it is the jubile; it shall be holy unto you: ye shall eat the increase thereof out of the field.

13 In the year of this jubile ye shall return every man unto his possession.

14 And if thou sell ought unto thy neighbour, or buyest ought of thy neighbour's hand, ye shall not oppress one another:

15 According to the number of years after the jubile thou shalt buy of thy neighbour, and according unto the number of years of the fruits he shall sell unto thee:

16 According to the multitude of years thou shalt increase the price thereof, and according to the fewness of years thou shalt diminish the price of it: for according to the number of the years of the fruits doth he sell unto thee.

17 Ye shall not therefore oppress one another; but thou shalt fear thy God:for I am the Lord your God.

18 Wherefore ye shall do my statutes, and keep my judgments, and do them; and ye shall dwell in the land in safety.

19 And the land shall yield her fruit, and ye shall eat your fill, and dwell therein in safety.

20 And if ye shall say, What shall we eat the seventh year? behold, we shall not sow, nor gather in our increase:

21 Then I will command my blessing upon you in the sixth year, and it shall bring forth fruit for three years.

22 And ye shall sow the eighth year, and eat yet of old fruit until the ninth year; until her fruits come in ye shall eat of the old store.

23 The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine, for ye are strangers and sojourners with me.

24 And in all the land of your possession ye shall grant a redemption for the land.

25 If thy brother be waxen poor, and hath sold away some of his possession, and if any of his kin come to redeem it, then shall he redeem that which his brother sold.

26 And if the man have none to redeem it, and himself be able to redeem it;

27 Then let him count the years of the sale thereof, and restore the overplus unto the man to whom he sold it; that he may return unto his possession.

28 But if he be not able to restore it to him, then that which is sold shall remain in the hand of him that hath bought it until the year of jubile: and in the jubile it shall go out, and he shall return unto his possession.

29 And if a man sell a dwelling house in a walled city, then he may redeem it within a whole year after it is sold; within a full year may he redeem it.

30 And if it be not redeemed within the space of a full year, then the house that is in the walled city shall be established for ever to him that bought it throughout his generations: it shall not go out in the jubile.

31 But the houses of the villages which have no wall round about them shall be counted as the fields of the country: they may be redeemed, and they shall go out in the jubile.

32 Notwithstanding the cities of the Levites, and the houses of the cities of their possession, may the Levites redeem at any time.

33 And if a man purchase of the Levites, then the house that was sold, and the city of his possession, shall go out in the year of jubile: for the houses of the cities of the Levites are their possession among the children of Israel.

34 But the field of the suburbs of their cities may not be sold; for it is their perpetual possession.

35 And if thy brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with thee; then thou shalt relieve him: yea, though he be a stranger, or a sojourner; that he may live with thee.

36 Take thou no usury of him, or increase: but fear thy God; that thy brother may live with thee.

37 Thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury, nor lend him thy victuals for increase.

38 I am the Lord your God, which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, to give you the land of Canaan, and to be your God.

39 And if thy brother that dwelleth by thee be waxen poor, and be sold unto thee; thou shalt not compel him to serve as a bondservant:

40 But as an hired servant, and as a sojourner, he shall be with thee, and shall serve thee unto the year of jubile.

41 And then shall he depart from thee, both he and his children with him, and shall return unto his own family, and unto the possession of his fathers shall he return.

42 For they are my servants, which I brought forth out of the land of Egypt: they shall not be sold as bondmen.

43 Thou shalt not rule over him with rigour; but shalt fear thy God.

44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids.

45 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession.

46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour.

47 And if a sojourner or stranger wax rich by thee, and thy brother that dwelleth by him wax poor, and sell himself unto the stranger or sojourner by thee, or to the stock of the stranger's family:

48 After that he is sold he may be redeemed again; one of his brethren may redeem him:

49 Either his uncle, or his uncle's son, may redeem him, or any that is nigh of kin unto him of his family may redeem him; or if he be able, he may redeem himself.

50 And he shall reckon with him that bought him from the year that he was sold to him unto the year of jubile: and the price of his sale shall be according unto the number of years, according to the time of an hired servant shall it be with him.

51 If there be yet many years behind, according unto them he shall give again the price of his redemption out of the money that he was bought for.

52 And if there remain but few years unto the year of jubile, then he shall count with him, and according unto his years shall he give him again the price of his redemption.

53 And as a yearly hired servant shall he be with him: and the other shall not rule with rigour over him in thy sight.

54 And if he be not redeemed in these years, then he shall go out in the year of jubile, both he, and his children with him.

55 For unto me the children of Israel are servants; they are my servants whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.