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Quecˈariˈ nubij ri Ajaf ri nicowin nuben ronojel.

Riyix wachˈalal ri sibilaj yixinwajoˈ, re xinbij yan ka chiwe, ronojel riˈ can tzujun (sujun) wi chake ruma ri Dios. Rumariˈ can tikachˈajchˈojsaj cˈa kiˈ. Can tikachajij cˈa ri kachˈacul y ri kánima chuwech ronojel ri xa ma chˈajchˈoj ta, ruma ri Dios can xojrelesaj yan cˈa pe chupan ri ma chˈajchˈoj ta. Can tikaxibij cˈa kiˈ chuwech Riyaˈ, riche (rixin) chi queriˈ ronojel kˈij nichˈajchˈojir más ri kacˈaslen.

Ri Pablo niquicot ruma ri kachˈalal aj Corinto xtzolin chic pe quicˈuˈx

Tijakaˈ cˈa ri iwánima riche (rixin) chi yojiwajoˈ. Ruma riyoj xa majun cˈa itzel ri kabanon ta chiwe, riyoj majun cˈa winek kayojon ta runaˈoj, majun ri kakˈolon ta. Pero reˈ xinbij ma ruma ta chi nyaˈ imac riyix. Ma que ta riˈ. Ruma riyin can nbin chic chiwe chi can yixkajoˈ riqˈui ronojel kánima, rumariˈ wi yojcom o yojcˈaseˈ na, can yixkajoˈ wi. Riyin can ronojel ri nnaˈ pa wánima iwuma riyix, can nbij cˈa chiwe, y rumariˈ wacami nbij cˈa chiwe chi riyin sibilaj yiquicot iwuma riyix. Riyix can nicukubaˈ wi nucˈuˈx, y yariˈ ri nibano chuwe riyin chi sibilaj yiquicot chupan ronojel tijoj pokonal.

Riyoj can cˈo cˈa tijoj pokonal nikakˈaxaj y yariˈ chukaˈ ri xokakˈaxaj tek xojoka waweˈ pa Macedonia. Xa can ma yojuxlan ta cˈa jubaˈ pa rukˈaˈ ri tijoj pokonal. Can que wi cˈa riˈ nikacˈulwachij riqˈui ronojel. Ri pa tak kánima cˈo kˈaxon ruma majun ketaman ta achique ibanon riyix y rumariˈ cˈo xibinriˈil kiqˈui, y ri chikij el nikatij chukaˈ pokonal ruma ri oyowal ri niban chake. Pero ri Dios xa can nucukubaˈ wi quicˈuˈx ri ye kajnek pa jun tijoj pokonal y rumariˈ xucukubaˈ kacˈuˈx riyoj, riqˈui ri xoka ri Tito. Ri Tito xorucukubaˈ kacˈuˈx, ma xu (xe) ta wi cˈa ruma ri xoka kiqˈui y xkatzˈet ruwech, ma que ta riˈ. Riyaˈ xa can xorucukubaˈ chukaˈ kacˈuˈx riyoj waweˈ, ruma riyix can xicukubaˈ wi cˈa pe rucˈuˈx ri chilaˈ. Xoruyaˈ chukaˈ rutzijol chake chi riyix xa can yojiwajoˈ wi, chi riyix xa yixbison wacami ruma ma chanin ta xixcowin xichojmirisaj ri xbanatej chicojol. Y chukaˈ xorutzijoj chake chi riyix sibilaj cˈa nitij ikˈij riche (rixin) chi niben ri nbin chiwe. Ronojel cˈa riˈ, can xuben cˈa chuwe chi can sibilaj xquicot ri wánima.

Re wacami, riyin can ma nnaˈ ta chic cˈa ri ralal ri wuj ri xintek el chiwe nabey, astapeˈ ri pa nabey mul can xinnaˈ wi ralal, ruma xinchˈob chi xixinyaˈ pa bis ruma ri xintzˈibaj el chupan. Wacami, can ma yibison ta chic ruma ri wuj riˈ, ruma xa ma qˈuiy ta kˈij ri xixruyaˈ pa bis. Wacami can yiquicot wi cˈa, pero ma ruma ta cˈa ri xixinyaˈ pa bis, ma que ta riˈ, yiquicot ruma ri bis xuben chiwe chi xtzolin pe icˈuˈx. Can ruraybel wi cˈa ri Dios chi xixcˈojeˈ pa bis, ruma cˈo utzil xucˈom pe chiwe, ruma wi xa man ta xixcˈojeˈ pa bis, man ta xtzolin pe icˈuˈx, y riˈ kamac ta riyoj, wi xa man ta jun ri xkabij chiwe. 10 Ruma ri bis ri nuyaˈ ri Dios can nuben chare ri winek chi nitzolin pe rucˈuˈx, y riqˈui riˈ nicolotej. Y ri xtitzolin pe rucˈuˈx riqˈui ri Dios majun bey cˈa xtutzolij ta chic riˈ chrij, ruma ruyon utz ri nucˈom pe chare. Yacˈa ri bis ri cˈo quiqˈui ri winek ri xa riqˈui ri ruwachˈulef quicukuban wi quicˈuˈx, xa camic cˈa ri nucˈom pe chique, ruma ma nuben ta chique chi nitzolin pe quicˈuˈx riqˈui ri Dios. 11 Xaxu (xaxe wi) titzuˈ achique chi samaj xuben pa tak icˈaslen ri bis ri xuyaˈ ri Dios chiwe. Can xuben chiwe chi chanin xichojmirisaj ronojel. Ma xka ta cˈa chiwech ri rubanon ri jun kachˈalal chi kajnek pa mac. Can xixibij iwiˈ ruma xkˈax chiwech ri achique banatajnek. Can niwajoˈ chi nikatzˈet chic kawech iwuqˈui. Can nitij ikˈij riche (rixin) chi niben ri ruraybel ri Dios, y rumariˈ can xiyaˈ pa disciplina ri xmacun. Ronojel cˈa can chˈajchˈoj xiben chare. Y riqˈui riˈ can xkˈalajin chi majun imac. 12 Tek riyin xintzˈibaj el ri wuj ri xintek el chiwe, ma xu (xe) ta wi cˈa ruma ri jun kachˈalal ri xbano ri mac. Y ma xu (xe) ta wi chukaˈ ruma ri jun chic kachˈalal ri achoj chare xban wi ri pokon. Ma que ta riˈ. Xa can riche (rixin) cˈa chi tiwetamaj y tikˈalajin chiwech chi riyoj can sibilaj wi cˈa nikajoˈ yixkatoˈ, riche (rixin) chi man ta nicˈulwachitej chic queriˈ chicojol. Ri Dios can nutzˈet wi cˈa pe chi queriˈ.

13 Y ruma cˈa riyix can xcukeˈ icˈuˈx tek xichojmirisaj ri banatajnek, ruma chukaˈ riˈ riyoj xcukeˈ cˈa kacˈuˈx. Pero can más wi cˈa xojquicot tek xkatzˈet ri Tito chi sibilaj niquicot ránima tek xtzolin pe ri chiriˈ iwuqˈui riyix. Riyix can xiyaˈ cˈa pe ruchukˈaˈ ri ruˈespíritu. 14 Rumariˈ can ma yiqˈuix ta chuwech ri Tito, ruma tek can cˈa ma jane tibe ta chilaˈ iwuqˈui, riyin xintzijoj chare ri Tito chi riyix sibilaj yix jabel. Y wacami xkˈalajin chi man xa choj ta xinyaˈ ikˈij riqˈui ri nuchˈabel, xa can kitzij wi xel, can achiˈel ri iwetaman riyix chi riyoj majun bey kabin ta chiwe jun tzij ri xa man ta kitzij. 15 Y ri Tito can sibilaj wi cˈa yixrajoˈ wacami, más que chuwech tek can cˈa ma jane napon ta iwuqˈui. Ruma noka cˈa chucˈuˈx chi tek riyaˈ xapon iwuqˈui, ixibin iwiˈ xicˈul y yixbarbot (yixbaybot) ruma riqˈui jubaˈ xa ma ibanon ta ri achique rucˈamon chi niben. Can iwoyoben cˈa ri achique chˈabel rucˈuan el riyaˈ chiwe. Y chukaˈ can noka wi cˈa chucˈuˈx chi riyix can sibilaj yixniman tzij. 16 Riyin can sibilaj wi cˈa yiquicot, ruma can rucˈamon chi can ncukubaˈ nucˈuˈx iwuqˈui chrij ronojel ri niben.

Therefore, since we have these promises,(A) dear friends,(B) let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness(C) out of reverence for God.

Paul’s Joy Over the Church’s Repentance

Make room for us in your hearts.(D) We have wronged no one, we have corrupted no one, we have exploited no one. I do not say this to condemn you; I have said before that you have such a place in our hearts(E) that we would live or die with you. I have spoken to you with great frankness; I take great pride in you.(F) I am greatly encouraged;(G) in all our troubles my joy knows no bounds.(H)

For when we came into Macedonia,(I) we had no rest, but we were harassed at every turn(J)—conflicts on the outside, fears within.(K) But God, who comforts the downcast,(L) comforted us by the coming of Titus,(M) and not only by his coming but also by the comfort you had given him. He told us about your longing for me, your deep sorrow, your ardent concern for me, so that my joy was greater than ever.

Even if I caused you sorrow by my letter,(N) I do not regret it. Though I did regret it—I see that my letter hurt you, but only for a little while— yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. 10 Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation(O) and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. 11 See what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern,(P) what readiness to see justice done. At every point you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter. 12 So even though I wrote to you,(Q) it was neither on account of the one who did the wrong(R) nor on account of the injured party, but rather that before God you could see for yourselves how devoted to us you are. 13 By all this we are encouraged.

In addition to our own encouragement, we were especially delighted to see how happy Titus(S) was, because his spirit has been refreshed by all of you. 14 I had boasted to him about you,(T) and you have not embarrassed me. But just as everything we said to you was true, so our boasting about you to Titus(U) has proved to be true as well. 15 And his affection for you is all the greater when he remembers that you were all obedient,(V) receiving him with fear and trembling.(W) 16 I am glad I can have complete confidence in you.(X)