12 Abram lived in the land of Canaan,(A) while Lot(B) lived among the cities of the plain(C) and pitched his tents near Sodom.(D) 13 Now the people of Sodom(E) were wicked and were sinning greatly against the Lord.(F)

14 The Lord said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, “Look around from where you are, to the north and south, to the east and west.(G) 15 All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring[a] forever.(H) 16 I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted.(I) 17 Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land,(J) for I am giving it to you.”(K)

18 So Abram went to live near the great trees of Mamre(L) at Hebron,(M) where he pitched his tents. There he built an altar to the Lord.(N)

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  1. Genesis 13:15 Or seed; also in verse 16

27 The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life,(A)
    turning a person from the snares of death.(B)

28 A large population is a king’s glory,
    but without subjects a prince is ruined.(C)

29 Whoever is patient has great understanding,(D)
    but one who is quick-tempered displays folly.(E)

30 A heart at peace gives life to the body,
    but envy rots the bones.(F)

31 Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker,(G)
    but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.(H)

32 When calamity comes, the wicked are brought down,(I)
    but even in death the righteous seek refuge in God.(J)

33 Wisdom reposes in the heart of the discerning(K)
    and even among fools she lets herself be known.[a]

34 Righteousness exalts a nation,(L)
    but sin condemns any people.

35 A king delights in a wise servant,
    but a shameful servant arouses his fury.(M)

15 A gentle answer(N) turns away wrath,(O)
    but a harsh word stirs up anger.

The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge,(P)
    but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.(Q)

The eyes(R) of the Lord are everywhere,(S)
    keeping watch on the wicked and the good.(T)

The soothing tongue(U) is a tree of life,(V)
    but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit.(W)


  1. Proverbs 14:33 Hebrew; Septuagint and Syriac discerning / but in the heart of fools she is not known

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