Jesus’ Prayer for His Followers

17 1-5 Jesus said these things. Then, raising his eyes in prayer, he said:

Father, it’s time.
Display the bright splendor of your Son
So the Son in turn may show your bright splendor.
You put him in charge of everything human
So he might give real and eternal life to all in his care.
And this is the real and eternal life:
That they know you,
The one and only true God,
And Jesus Christ, whom you sent.
I glorified you on earth
By completing down to the last detail
What you assigned me to do.
And now, Father, glorify me with your very own splendor,
The very splendor I had in your presence
Before there was a world.

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For you granted him authority over all people(A) that he might give eternal life(B) to all those you have given him.(C) Now this is eternal life: that they know you,(D) the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.(E) I have brought you glory(F) on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do.(G)

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