Notwithstanding thou hast a few names yet in Sardis, [a]which have not defiled their garments: and they shall walk with me in [b]white: for they are [c]worthy.

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  1. Revelation 3:4 That is, who have with all religion guarded themselves from sin and moral contagion, even from the very show of evil, as S. Jude exhorteth, verse 23.
  2. Revelation 3:4 Pure from all spot and shining with glory. So it is to be understood always hereafter as in the next verse.
  3. Revelation 3:4 They are meet and fit, to wit, because they are justified in Christ, as they have truly showed it: for he is righteous that worketh righteousness: but so, as the tree bringeth forth fruit. See Rom. 8:18.

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