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Tay inaket tik ne Sennemit ipal Yerushalem wan tay kichijket

15 Kisket Yudaya sejse wan waltemuket wan kinmachtijket ne tukniwan ka:

—Asu inte anmuyawaltekit ken kichiwat katka ika ijkiuni inak Moshe, inte welit anmupalewiat.

Kiane, muketzket ankakeski wan kinhishtenejket ne Pawlo wan ne Bar-Naba. Yajika, inaket ma tejkukan Pawlo wan Bar-Naba wan sejseuk pal yejemet ka Yerushalem wan ma yawikan intech ne tijtitanijtuk wan nojnoymet ka né pal muita uni tajtanilis.

Yejemet tel, kwak ne sennemit kintuktij ma yawikan, panuket ijtik Poynikia wan Shamarea, wan taneshtijket yajket ken muishkwepket ne tejtechan, wan kichijket ka pajpakiket muchi ne tukniwan. Kwak ajsiket Yerushalem, muchi ne sennemit kinkwijket wan ne tijtitanijtuk wan ne noymet, wan kinneshtijket muchi tay ne Teut kichijtuk inwan. Muketzket sejse ipal ne sectaj ipal ne Parishayujmet ká tayulmatit katka, inat ka muneki ma muyawaltekikan, ma kintuktikan ma kitajpiakan ne itajtuli Moshe. Kwakuni musentepejket ne tijtitanijtuk wan ne noymet pal kitat tay inat ipanpa. Muishtenejket wey, wan muketzki Pedro wan kinhilwij:

—Nukniwan, anmejemet kimatit ka ikman panutuk ne Teut taishpejpen ijtik tejemet, pal ma takakikan ne tejtechan itech ne nuten ne palabraj ipal ne Yeknawatilis wan ma tayulmatikan, wan ne Teut, ká kimati tay nemi ijtik tuyujyulu, inak ka nemi yek wan kinmakak ne Ijiutzin kenha ken nusan techmakak, wan kichijki inwan kenha ken kichijki tuwan wan kipupuj ne inyujyulu iwan tayulmatilis. 10 Ashan, tel, taika ankiejekuat ne Teut wan kitaliat ini kimil ijpak ne inkechtan ne mumachtianimet, tay nian ne tutejteku nian tejemet weliket tikseliat, 11 asunte tikmatit ka timupalewisket ika ne Tajtzin Yeshu techtasujta. Yejemet kenhaya!

12 Muchi mukawket tajtakaktuk, kinkakit Bar-Naba wan Pawlo taneshtiat keski kichijki ne Teut pal muishmati, wan tay tetekia, ijtik ne tejtechan ka inmaku. 13 Tipan nankilij Yakob ina:

—Nukniwan, shinechkakikan: 14 Shimon taneshtijtuk ken achtu ne Teut yajki kikwi ijtik muchi ne tejtechan se ipal; 15 wan ijkiuni inat ne taketzanimet ken muijkwilujtuk:

16     "'San nalmukwepas, senpa niketzas itawipan Dawid, ne kuwetztuk,

    niketzas senpa wan nikmelawas tay nemituya wilejtuk,

17     pal kiane ne sekit ma kitemukan Tutajwan,

    nusan muchi ne tejtechan ne munutztiwit tik nutukay,'

    ina ne Tutajwan ne kichiwa muchi 18 tay tikishmatit pal ikman wan pal ashan."

19 Neka nina naja ma inte tikakasukan yejemet pal ne tejtechan ká ne muishkwepat itech ne Teut, 20 wan ma tiktuktikan se amat pal tikinhilwiat ma inte mususulwikan iwan teutzitzinmet, ma inte tatzinhejenchiwakan wan ma inte kikwakan ne kechpachujtuk nian ne esti, 21 ika Moshe kipia sejse ká kinajnawatiat ikman wan ashan tik kajkalsennemit ijtik muchi ne tejtechan kan amataketzat muchi ne sejsewilis.

22 Kwakuni ne tijtitanijtuk wan ne noymet wan muchi ne sennemit inaket ma kishpejpenakan sejse ipal yejemet wan ma kintuktikan ka Antiokea iwan Pawlo wan Bar-Naba. Yejemet Yuda ne munutza Bar-Saba wan Shila, tatuktianimet ijtik ne tukniwan. 23 Kijkwilujket se amat pal kiwikat ka né wan tik uni amat inat:

Ne tukniwan tijtitanijtuk wan noymet kintajpaluat ne tukniwan ipal tejtechan tik Antiokea wan Siria wan Kilikia!

24 Titakaktiwit ka sejse tejemet ajsitiwit anmutech wan metzinyulkakasujtiwit ipanpa tay ne metzinhilwijtiwit, melka tejemet inte tikintitanijket. 25 Yajika, muchi tejemet tinatiwit ma tikinhishpejpenakan sejse pal tikintuktiat anmutech iwan Bar-Naba wan Pawlo ne yejyektasujtatuk, 26 ká temakatiwit inyujyulu ipanpa Tutajtzin Yeshu Mawaltijtuk. 27 Yajika tiktitanijtiwit Yuda wan Shila, wan nusan yejemet kenha metzinhilwisket, 28 ika inak ne Ijiutzin, wan tejemet nusan tinaket, ma intea timetzintalilikan anmutekiw; semaya ini tay muneki: 29 ma inte shikwakan tay mutakulijtuk ne teujteutzitzin, nian esti nian kejkechpachujtuk, wan ma inte shitatzinhejenchiwakan. Asu uni antajpiat, yek ankichiwat.

Shiakanha yek!

30 Ijkiuni, yejemet yajket wan ajsiket tik Antiokea. Wan kwak musentepejket muchi, kinmakaket ne amat. 31 Kwak kitaket tay ina ne amat, pakiket ika kinpalewijtiwit. 32 Yuda wan Shila, ká nusan taketzanimet, kinpalewijket ne tukniwan pal chikawayat. 33 Kwak nakatiwit sejse tunal ka ne, ne tukniwan kinchulultijket wan kinhilwijket ma nemikan yek wan mukwepket itech ne kintitanijtiwit. (34) .

Pawlo wan Bar-Naba muajwaket

35 Pawlo wan Bar-Naba nakaket tik Antiokea tamachtiat wan tayeknawatiat inwan ne sejseuk ne ipalabraj ne Teut. 36 Kwak panutiwit sejse tunal, Pawlo kilwij Bar-Naba:

—Yek, timukwepakan titachiat ne tukniwan tik muchi ne tejtechan kan ne titanajnawatijtiwit ne ipalabraj ne Teut pal tikitat ken ijtuk.

37 Bar-Naba kinekituya kiwika inwan ne Yojan ne munutza Marcus, 38 wan Pawlo inak ka yajuni kinhajkaw tik Panpulia wan te senyajki inwan tekiti, wan te kinekituya kiwika inwan. 39 Muajwaket tetekia sea, wan kupejket ne ujume. Ne Bar-Naba kikwij ne Marcus wan ajkewki tik se barcoj pal yawi Kipre.

Pawlo tik Pilipoy

40 Pawlo kishpejpen Shila; wan ne tukniwan temakaket iwan ne itetasujtalis ne Tajtzin, wan yajki 41 pashalua ijtik Siria wan Kilikia kinpalewia ne sejsennemit pal chikawayat.

The Council at Jerusalem

15 Certain people(A) came down from Judea to Antioch and were teaching the believers:(B) “Unless you are circumcised,(C) according to the custom taught by Moses,(D) you cannot be saved.” This brought Paul and Barnabas into sharp dispute and debate with them. So Paul and Barnabas were appointed, along with some other believers, to go up to Jerusalem(E) to see the apostles and elders(F) about this question. The church sent them on their way, and as they traveled through Phoenicia(G) and Samaria, they told how the Gentiles had been converted.(H) This news made all the believers very glad. When they came to Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the church and the apostles and elders, to whom they reported everything God had done through them.(I)

Then some of the believers who belonged to the party(J) of the Pharisees(K) stood up and said, “The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to keep the law of Moses.”(L)

The apostles and elders met to consider this question. After much discussion, Peter got up and addressed them: “Brothers, you know that some time ago God made a choice among you that the Gentiles might hear from my lips the message of the gospel and believe.(M) God, who knows the heart,(N) showed that he accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to them,(O) just as he did to us. He did not discriminate between us and them,(P) for he purified their hearts by faith.(Q) 10 Now then, why do you try to test God(R) by putting on the necks of Gentiles a yoke(S) that neither we nor our ancestors have been able to bear? 11 No! We believe it is through the grace(T) of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are.”

12 The whole assembly became silent as they listened to Barnabas and Paul telling about the signs and wonders(U) God had done among the Gentiles through them.(V) 13 When they finished, James(W) spoke up. “Brothers,” he said, “listen to me. 14 Simon[a] has described to us how God first intervened to choose a people for his name from the Gentiles.(X) 15 The words of the prophets are in agreement with this, as it is written:

16 “‘After this I will return
    and rebuild David’s fallen tent.
Its ruins I will rebuild,
    and I will restore it,
17 that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord,
    even all the Gentiles who bear my name,
says the Lord, who does these things’[b](Y)
18     things known from long ago.[c](Z)

19 “It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. 20 Instead we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols,(AA) from sexual immorality,(AB) from the meat of strangled animals and from blood.(AC) 21 For the law of Moses has been preached in every city from the earliest times and is read in the synagogues on every Sabbath.”(AD)

The Council’s Letter to Gentile Believers

22 Then the apostles and elders,(AE) with the whole church, decided to choose some of their own men and send them to Antioch(AF) with Paul and Barnabas. They chose Judas (called Barsabbas) and Silas,(AG) men who were leaders among the believers. 23 With them they sent the following letter:

The apostles and elders, your brothers,

To the Gentile believers in Antioch,(AH) Syria(AI) and Cilicia:(AJ)


24 We have heard that some went out from us without our authorization and disturbed you, troubling your minds by what they said.(AL) 25 So we all agreed to choose some men and send them to you with our dear friends Barnabas and Paul— 26 men who have risked their lives(AM) for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 27 Therefore we are sending Judas and Silas(AN) to confirm by word of mouth what we are writing. 28 It seemed good to the Holy Spirit(AO) and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements: 29 You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality.(AP) You will do well to avoid these things.


30 So the men were sent off and went down to Antioch, where they gathered the church together and delivered the letter. 31 The people read it and were glad for its encouraging message. 32 Judas and Silas,(AQ) who themselves were prophets,(AR) said much to encourage and strengthen the believers. 33 After spending some time there, they were sent off by the believers with the blessing of peace(AS) to return to those who had sent them. [34] [d] 35 But Paul and Barnabas remained in Antioch, where they and many others taught and preached(AT) the word of the Lord.(AU)

Disagreement Between Paul and Barnabas

36 Some time later Paul said to Barnabas, “Let us go back and visit the believers in all the towns(AV) where we preached the word of the Lord(AW) and see how they are doing.” 37 Barnabas wanted to take John, also called Mark,(AX) with them, 38 but Paul did not think it wise to take him, because he had deserted them(AY) in Pamphylia and had not continued with them in the work. 39 They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus, 40 but Paul chose Silas(AZ) and left, commended by the believers to the grace of the Lord.(BA) 41 He went through Syria(BB) and Cilicia,(BC) strengthening the churches.(BD)


  1. Acts 15:14 Greek Simeon, a variant of Simon; that is, Peter
  2. Acts 15:17 Amos 9:11,12 (see Septuagint)
  3. Acts 15:18 Some manuscripts things’— / 18 the Lord’s work is known to him from long ago
  4. Acts 15:34 Some manuscripts include here But Silas decided to remain there.