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Nyolin Pabl kyiˈjjo nya tsanjil Jesús

11  Noqit aku tzikyˈx chˈin nyola kyuˈn, nyakutlaj toj nwiˈy tokx, me o tzikyˈx chˈin kyuˈn tzmax tzaluˈn, qa chebˈe tok nwutza kyiˈja tzeˈnku jun xkyˈaqil, mo tzeˈnku jun manbˈaj tiˈj tkˈwal. Me a xkyˈaqlin luˈn nya weˈy; qalaˈ te Dios, quˈn ma txi ntziyiˈn, tuˈn kyoka te Crist, ikyxjo tzeˈnku jun txin, tuˈn tjaw meje tukˈa tchmil. Me atzin jaˈlin, at nxobˈila kyiˈja, quˈn tzeˈnku te Eva, tej tkubˈ sbˈuˈn tuˈn tẍtijil tajaw il, tuˈn tel tiˈjlin Tyol Dios, yaˈj qa iky xbˈaj kyejiˈy, qa chebˈe xtzyet kyxmoxajtza tuˈn, toj jun tumil ala kyela, tuˈn tel txalpaj kynabˈla, ex qa xkyij kytzaqpiˈn tuˈn kyxi lipey tiˈj Crist tukˈa tkyaqil kyanmiˈn. Akula bˈajjo ikyjo kyxola, quˈn tiˈjkutziˈn jun paqx nxi kybˈinjiˈy nchi yolin tiˈj Jesús, exsin nya toj tumiltz, mikyxiˈ tzeˈnku nxi qqˈmaˈn kyeˈy; ex jun paqx nxi kykˈmoˈn noq jun xewbˈajxi, ex nya Xewbˈaj Xjan, a xi kykˈmoˈn te tnejil; ex jun paqx nxi kybˈiˈn juntl tqanil nyakuj te kolbˈil, me mikyxiˈ tzeˈnku Tbˈanil Tqanilxix Kolbˈil o kybˈiˈy. Kybˈinkutzinjiˈy nyola, quˈn tzuntzin nchi kubˈ kybˈinjiˈy aye tbˈanilxix tsanjil Jesús toj kywutza. Me mikyxi kyokliˈn tzeˈnku weˈ woklin; me kukx nxi kybˈinjiˈy kyyol; ¿Yajtzila wetza? Bˈalaqa a chin yoliˈn nyaxix tbˈanil toj kywutza; me metzin nnabˈla, ojtzqiˈnl kyuˈn, ex o bˈaj nyekˈiˈn ilaˈ maj toj tkyaqil nbˈinchbˈiˈn.

¿Ma nyapela bˈaˈn xbˈant wuˈn kyiˈja, tuˈn ẍin yoliˈn Tbˈanil Tqanil kolbˈil kukxjo, ex mi s‑el nqaniˈn twiˈ nkˈuˈja? Noqpe kyja xkubˈ nmutxsin wibˈa, noq tuˈn kyjawku nnimsiˈn toj kynimbˈila tuˈn nyola. Noq ma tzaj smaˈn twiˈ nkˈuˈja kyuˈn junjuntl Ttanim Dios toj junxil tnam, noq tuˈn wajbˈinkuy kyeˈy. Ex tej intintaqa kyxola, ex ntiˈtaq at weˈy, mi xkubˈ nbˈisiniˈy tuˈn ttzaj kyqˈoˈn chˈin tiˈ weˈy; qalaˈ tej kyul erman aj Macedonia, tzaj kyiˈn tkyaqiljo lo. Quˈn nya wajtaqa tuˈn tok nqˈoˈn jun iqtz kyibˈaja, ex kukx ktenbˈileˈ wuˈn. 10 Twutzxix nyola erman, ex ojtzqiˈn wuˈn qa lu Crist nbˈin wiˈja: Ntiˈ jun xjal toj tkyaqil txˈotxˈ te Acay aku qˈmante qa ma tzˈonin wiˈja, ex qa nya twutzx nyola. 11 ¿Tiquˈn nchin yoliˈn ikyjo? ¿Ma nyapela waja kyiˈja? Quˈn ate Dios ojtzqilte, qa at‑xix nkˈuˈja kyiˈja. 12 Me kukx kˈwel nbˈinchinjiˈy luˈn, tuˈntzin mi txi qˈoyite ambˈil kye nchi jyon tumil kyoklin tzeˈnkuˈ qeˈ, ex njaw kynimsin kyibˈ nyakuj jun twutzxix tsanjil Jesúsqe. 13 Quˈn ayetziˈn ichin lo noqx ttenku kyuˈn, ex sbˈulqe; n‑ok kyqˈon kyibˈ tzeˈnku tsanjil Crist. 14 Me mi chi jaw kaˈylaja tuˈn ikyjo. Quˈn aku te tajaw il ok tqˈoˈn tibˈ te jun t‑angel Dios nqoptzˈaj wen, me noq tuˈn kykubˈku tsbˈuˈn xjal. 15 Tuˈnpetziˈn, mi qo jaw kaˈylaj kyuˈn nchi ajbˈin te tajaw il, qa ma tzˈok kyqˈoˈn kyibˈ nyakuj tbˈanilx nbˈant kyuˈn. Me pon jun qˈij, jaˈ ktzajile tkawbˈil Dios kyibˈaj kujxix wen, tzeˈnkuxjo ntqanin kybˈinchbˈin.

Nyolin Pabl tiˈjjo a ikyˈx tuˈn, tuˈn tpaj Tbˈanil Tqanil

16 Kxel nqˈmaˈn juntl majl kyeˈy: Mi kubˈ kybˈisiˈn qa tokx toj nwiˈy. Exsin qa ikytzjo toj kywutza, kyqˈontza ambˈil wey tuˈn nyoliˈn, tzeˈnku ma txi kyqˈoˈn ambˈil kyeˈ xnaqˈtzil kyxola, a ntiˈ kynabˈl, tuˈntzintla tjaw nnimin chˈin weˈ wibˈ, tzeˈnqeku txqantl. 17 Nya qAjaw qˈmalte weˈy tuˈn tjaw nnimin wibˈa, qalaˈ ayinxa nchin qˈmante tzeˈnku jun xjal nyakuj tokx toj twiˈ, me noq tuˈn nklonte wibˈa kywutza. 18 Ilaˈku kyxola njaw tnimsin tibˈ, tzeˈnkuxnaj jun aˈla nimxix toklin te twutz txˈotxˈ. Ex ikyx wejiˈy, kjawil nnimsin chˈin weˈ wibˈ. 19 Quˈn tzeˈnku kyeˈ, at kynabˈla; me qa ikyjo, ¿Tzeˈntzin tten n‑ikyˈx kyuˈn kyukˈa a ntiˈ kynabˈl? 20 Quˈn n‑ikyˈx kyuˈn kyeˈ nchi ok jkˈun kyeˈy, tuˈn kyajbˈiˈn kye; ex tuˈn kybˈaj sjilin kyuˈn; ex tuˈn kykubˈ sbˈuˈn kyuˈn; ex tuˈn kyel iˈjlin kyuˈn; expe tuˈn tbˈaj tzˈajchin toj kywutza kyuˈn. 21 ¡Me manyor ẍtijqexa tuˈn n‑ikyˈx kyuˈn ikyjo! Me qeˈ, nlayxla tzikyˈx qe quˈn ikyjo. Qalatzin kyeˈ n‑ikyˈx kye kyuˈn a nya wen tuˈn tikyˈx kyuˈn.

Me qa ma jaw kynimsin kyeˈ txqantl kyibˈ, exsin ikyx wejiˈy, ex kjawil nnimsin chˈin we wibˈ, iˈchaqxsin ikytzjo tzeˈnku jun xjal o tzˈokx toj twiˈ. 22 ¿Ma nyatzin aj Ebreyqe xjal lo? Ex ikyqinx wejiˈy. ¿Ma nyatzin aj Israelqe, a skˈoˈnxix tuˈn Dios? Ex aj Israelqin we. ¿Ma nyatzin tyajil Abrahamqe? Ex ikyx wejiˈy. 23 Qa taqˈnil Cristqe, me ayinxixpe weˈ nimxix woklin tzeˈnku kyeˈ, exla aj tkubˈ nqˈmanjiˈy lo, ikyqinjiˈy tzeˈnku jun txˈuˈj. Nimxix o chin aqˈnin weˈ tzeˈnku kye. Ilaˈ maj, o chin bˈaj bˈyoˈn, ex o chin kux jpuˈn toj tze; ilaˈ maj o tzˈelje wiˈja tuˈn nkyima. 24 Jweˈ maj, o chin bˈaj poqˈchiˈn tuˈn kykawil aj Judiy, a bˈeljajlajaj toj kaˈwnaq laqtzbˈil. 25 Oxe maj in bˈaj jemiˈn tuˈn tze; jun maj chˈime in kyimiˈy, teˈ wok xoˈn tukˈa abˈj; oxe maj xi mulqˈaj bark toj aˈ, a jaˈ intinkxetaqa. Antza ikyˈ jun qnikyˈin ex jun qˈij wuˈn toj ttxuyil aˈ. 26 Ilaˈku maj in bˈeta najchaq, ex n‑elje wiˈja tuˈn nxiˈy tuˈn aˈ, ex n‑elje wiˈja kyuˈn ileqˈ, kyuˈn nxjalila aj Judiy, ex kyuˈn nya Judiyqe. N‑elje wiˈja kyoj tnam ex toj kˈul, ex toj ttxuyil aˈ, ex kyxoljo nimil xmiletzˈqe. 27 Ex nimxix ma chin aqˈniˈn tukˈa sikytlin toj taqˈin qMan. Ex nimku maj, mi nchin ktaˈn, ex ma tzikyˈx waˈyaj ex kˈwaj wuˈn. Ex nimku maj o kubˈ npaˈn waˈyaj tuˈn woka toj naˈj Dios, ex o tzikyˈx cheˈw wuˈn, ex ntiˈtaq nxbˈaliˈn. 28 Toj tkyaqiljo lo, tkyaqil qˈij, nchin bˈisiˈn kyiˈjjo Ttanim Dios toj junjunl tnam. 29 Qa at jun nimil xkubˈ numj, tzunx nchin bˈisiˈn tiˈj; ex qa at jun xjal nkubˈ tzˈaq toj tnimbˈil noq tuˈn tpaj juntl, bˈeˈx ntzaj nqˈoja tiˈj.

30 Ikytziˈn erman, qa iltaq tiˈj tuˈn nnimin chˈin wibˈa kywutza, me noq tuˈn tkubˈ nyekˈinkuy, qa ntiˈ wipiˈn wilx wibˈxa. 31 Twutzxix weˈy, quˈn luˈ Dios, a Manbˈaj te qAjaw Jesucrist, a at toklin tuˈn tnimsit tbˈi te jun majx, nbˈiˈn wiˈja, qa ikyjo. 32 Tej nteˈn toj tnam Damasco, a kawil n‑ajbˈintaq te nmaq kawil Aretas, xi tqˈmaˈn tuˈn t‑xqˈuqit tkyaqil ttzija te tnam, tuˈn wok kytzyuˈn. 33 Me in kux qˈoˈn kyuˈn wukˈiˈy toj jun ma tij chiˈl, tuˈn nkutz qˈoˈn toj jun tẍutil tape tiˈjile tnam. Ikytziˈn, in tzaqpajiˈy toj kyqˈobˈ.

Paul and the False Apostles

11 I hope you will put up with(A) me in a little foolishness.(B) Yes, please put up with me! I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy. I promised you to one husband,(C) to Christ, so that I might present you(D) as a pure virgin to him. But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning,(E) your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached,(F) or if you receive a different spirit(G) from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel(H) from the one you accepted, you put up with it(I) easily enough.

I do not think I am in the least inferior to those “super-apostles.”[a](J) I may indeed be untrained as a speaker,(K) but I do have knowledge.(L) We have made this perfectly clear to you in every way. Was it a sin(M) for me to lower myself in order to elevate you by preaching the gospel of God(N) to you free of charge?(O) I robbed other churches by receiving support from them(P) so as to serve you. And when I was with you and needed something, I was not a burden to anyone, for the brothers who came from Macedonia supplied what I needed.(Q) I have kept myself from being a burden to you(R) in any way, and will continue to do so. 10 As surely as the truth of Christ is in me,(S) nobody in the regions of Achaia(T) will stop this boasting(U) of mine. 11 Why? Because I do not love you? God knows(V) I do!(W)

12 And I will keep on doing what I am doing in order to cut the ground from under those who want an opportunity to be considered equal with us in the things they boast about. 13 For such people are false apostles,(X) deceitful(Y) workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ.(Z) 14 And no wonder, for Satan(AA) himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.(AB)

Paul Boasts About His Sufferings

16 I repeat: Let no one take me for a fool.(AC) But if you do, then tolerate me just as you would a fool, so that I may do a little boasting. 17 In this self-confident boasting I am not talking as the Lord would,(AD) but as a fool.(AE) 18 Since many are boasting in the way the world does,(AF) I too will boast.(AG) 19 You gladly put up with(AH) fools since you are so wise!(AI) 20 In fact, you even put up with(AJ) anyone who enslaves you(AK) or exploits you or takes advantage of you or puts on airs or slaps you in the face. 21 To my shame I admit that we were too weak(AL) for that!

Whatever anyone else dares to boast about—I am speaking as a fool—I also dare to boast about.(AM) 22 Are they Hebrews? So am I.(AN) Are they Israelites? So am I.(AO) Are they Abraham’s descendants? So am I.(AP) 23 Are they servants of Christ?(AQ) (I am out of my mind to talk like this.) I am more. I have worked much harder,(AR) been in prison more frequently,(AS) been flogged more severely,(AT) and been exposed to death again and again.(AU) 24 Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes(AV) minus one. 25 Three times I was beaten with rods,(AW) once I was pelted with stones,(AX) three times I was shipwrecked,(AY) I spent a night and a day in the open sea, 26 I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my fellow Jews,(AZ) in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city,(BA) in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false believers.(BB) 27 I have labored and toiled(BC) and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food;(BD) I have been cold and naked. 28 Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches.(BE) 29 Who is weak, and I do not feel weak?(BF) Who is led into sin,(BG) and I do not inwardly burn?

30 If I must boast, I will boast(BH) of the things that show my weakness.(BI) 31 The God and Father of the Lord Jesus, who is to be praised forever,(BJ) knows(BK) that I am not lying. 32 In Damascus the governor under King Aretas had the city of the Damascenes guarded in order to arrest me.(BL) 33 But I was lowered in a basket from a window in the wall and slipped through his hands.(BM)


  1. 2 Corinthians 11:5 Or to the most eminent apostles