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11  Tuˈnpetziˈn, chi lipeka tiˈjjo nkubˈ nyekˈiˈn, tzeˈnku weˈ lipcheqiˈn tiˈjjo tyekˈbˈil Crist.

Jun xnaqˈtzbˈil tiˈjjo kyoklin ichin kyukˈa qya

Kxel nqˈoˈn chjonte kyeˈy, tuˈn kukx nchi tzaj kynaˈnjiˈy, ex tuˈn nkubˈ kybˈinchiˈn tzeˈnku xkyij nqˈmaˈn. Me waja tuˈn tel kynikyˈa te, qa ate Crist nejinel te ichin, ex atzin te ichin nejinel te kya, ikytzin tzeˈnku te Dios nejinel te Crist. Tuˈnpetziˈn at jun txˈixpibˈl kyxol kyoklin ichin tukˈa Crist, ex kyxol qya tukˈa ichin, ex kyxol Crist tukˈa qMan Dios. Quˈn qa ma jax tktxuˈn ichin twiˈ tzeˈnku qya toj tja Dios, aj taqˈe naˈl Dios, mo qa aj tyolin Tyol Dios, n‑el tikyˈiˈn tmujbˈil tibˈ tukˈa Crist. Ex ikyxjo kyeqya; qa noq tuˈn kyokku tzeˈnku jun ichin, mi jax kyktxuˈn kywiˈ toj tja Dios, aj kyaqˈe naˈl Dios, mo qa aj kyyolin Tyol Dios, n‑el kyikyˈiˈn kymujbˈil kyibˈ kyukˈa ichin, quˈn n‑ok kyqˈoˈn kyibˈ te ichin nyakuj mitzoˈn kywiˈ te jun majx. Tuˈnpetziˈn, qa at jun qya, tkyˈeˈ jax tktxuˈn twiˈ toj tja Dios, bˈaˈntla tuˈn tel tmitzoˈn twiˈ, tuˈn tok tzeˈnku jun ichin te jun majx. Me jun tij ttxˈixewjo qya aku tzˈel ikyjo tuˈn tkyij twiˈ tzeˈn twiˈ jun ichin. Tuˈnpetziˈn, ilx tiˈj tuˈn tjax tktxuˈn twiˈ toj tja Dios. Quˈn tzeˈnku te ichin, nya wen tuˈn tjax tktxuˈn twiˈ toj tja Dios tzeˈnku jun qya, quˈn twutzbˈiyil Dios teˈ, ex jun yekˈbˈil tiˈjjo tqoptzˈajiyil t‑xilin Dios. Ex ikyxjo teqya, jun yekˈbˈil tiˈjjo tqoptzˈajiyil t‑xilin ichin. Quˈn te tnejil, nya te s‑el anqˈin tiˈjqya, qalaˈ a teqya tiˈj ichin. Ex nya tuˈn tpaj teqya xbˈante ichin, qalaˈ tuˈn tpaj te ichin xbˈante qya. 10 Tuˈnpetziˈn, bˈaˈn tuˈn tjax tktxuˈn qya twiˈ, te jun yekˈbˈil kywutz angel, qa tjaqˈ tkawbˈil ichin taˈye.

11 Me toj Ttanim Dios il tiˈj kykabˈil, quˈn ntiˈ ichin qa ntiˈ qya, ex ikyxjo qya ntiˈ, qa ntiˈ ichin. 12 Quˈn te tnejil, ate qya tzajnin tiˈj ichin. Me ex ikyxjo, qa tkyaqil ichin n‑anqˈin tiˈjqya. Ex tkyaqiljo luˈn tzajnin tiˈj Dios. 13 Quˈn ayex kyeˈ aku chi qˈmante, qa nya wen tuˈn tnaˈn jun qya Dios toj tja Dios tzeˈnku jun ichin, a mi njax kutxbˈil twiˈ, quˈn il tiˈj jun txˈixpibˈl kyxol ichin ex qya. 14 Quˈn ¿Ma nyatzin twutzx, qa ttxˈixew te ichiˈn tuˈn tkubˈ tchˈiysin twiˈ tzeˈnku twiˈ jun qya? 15 Qalaˈ ma tzaj tqˈoˈnx te Dios tsmal twiˈqya nmaq, tuˈn tok te jun yekˈbˈil qa at txˈixpibˈl kyxol tqoptzˈajiyil qya tukˈa tqoptzˈajiyil ichin. Quˈn ma tzaj tqˈoˈn twiˈqya, tuˈn tchˈiy nmaq wen, tuˈn tok te kutxbˈil twiˈ. 16 Me ex tiˈj tkyaqiljo luˈn, qa at jun kyxola taj tuˈn tjaw yolbˈin wiˈja tuˈn tpajjo lo, kxel nqˈmaˈn, qa ntiˈ juntl tumil ojtzqiˈn quˈn, ex toj tkyaqil Ttanim Dios.

Junjun nukˈbˈil tiˈj Xjan Wabˈj

17 Atzin jaˈlin, kxel nqˈmaˈn kyeˈy tiˈjjo aj tikyˈsit Xjan Wabˈj kyuˈn, nya wen kybˈinchbˈiˈn toj nwutza, ex nya toj tumil ikyjo. 18 Toj tnejil, nqˈumle weˈy qa, aj tok kychmoˈn kyibˈa tuˈn tikyˈsit Xjan Wabˈj kyuˈn, noqx nimku paˈbˈl kyxola. Me toj jun tnej, bˈalaqa twutzx. 19 Quˈn bˈalaqa toj kywutza, il tiˈj tuˈn kypaˈn kyibˈa kyukˈa txqantl, tuˈntzintla kynimsin kyibˈa, ex tuˈn tyekˈinte nyakuj wenqiˈy twutz Dios kywutz txqantl. 20 Me kxel nqˈmaˈn qa ajo paˈbˈl lo ntiˈ tajbˈin, ex ajo Xjan Wabˈj, a nchi waˈn tiˈj, nyaxla xjan twutz qAjaw. 21 Quˈn ajtzin kywaˈn junx, a naˈmtaq tpon or te Xjan Wabˈj, aye junjun kyxola, a at chˈin kyqˈinimil, nejxix nchi ok ten loˈlte jotx, tuˈn kynojxix wen, ex majxpe nchi bˈaj ja txˈujte. Me ayetzin junjun erman, a yajqe, chˈixtaq kyel kyim tuˈn waˈyaj. 22 Me ayetzin kyeˈ qˈinin, ¿Ma ntiˈtzin kye kyja tuˈn kywaˈn ex tuˈn kykˈwan wen antza? ¿Tiquˈnil n‑el kyikyˈinjiˈy Ttanim Dios, a jaˈ junx kyoklin tkyaqil nimil? ¿Ex tiquˈn n‑el kyiˈn kytxˈixewjo a ntiˈ at kye? ¿Tiˈtzila kxel nqˈmaˈn tiˈjjo lo? ¿Okpela kchin tzalajila? Mina. ¡Mixla jtojx!

23 Atziˈn xnaqˈtzbˈil ma txi nqˈoˈn kyeˈy, ax qAjaw saj qˈonte weˈy: Quˈn toj qnikyˈin, tej t‑xi kˈayin qAjaw Jesús, jaw ttzyuˈn jun wabˈj, 24 ex xi tqˈoˈn chjonte te qMan Dios. Tbˈajlinxiˈ ikyjo, kubˈ tpiẍin, ex tqˈmaˈ: Atziˈn wabˈj lo atzin wejiˈy nxmilil kxel qˈoˈyit te kyimin noq tuˈn kyel wena. Kybˈinchinkujiˈy luˈn te naˈbˈl weˈy.

25 Ex ikyxjo, tbˈajlinxiˈ waˈn, jaw ttzyuˈn jun tkˈwel kˈwabˈj, ex tqˈma: Atziˈn kˈwabˈj, a tkuˈx tojjo tkˈwel kˈwabˈj lo, atzin nchkyˈeljiˈy k‑okil te kujsil te akˈaj tumil bˈantnin tiˈj, tuˈn kykyijxjal toj wen tukˈa Dios. Junjun maj, aj t‑xi kykˈwanjiˈy lo, kykˈwanxa te naˈbˈl weˈy. 26 Tkyaqil maj, aj t‑xi kykˈwanjiˈy kˈwabˈj, ex aj t‑xi kywaˈnjiˈy wabˈj, kukxitla xkubˈ kynaˈnjiˈy tkyimlin qAjaw, ajxi tul juntl majl. 27 Tuˈnpetziˈn, alkye jun kxel waˈn teˈ wabˈj ex kxel kˈwan teˈ kˈwabˈj luˈn, ex nya toj tumil, at til tiˈj, quˈn n‑el tikyˈin t‑xmilil ex tchkyˈel qAjaw, a xi tqˈoˈn te chojbˈil il. 28 Tuˈnpetziˈn, teyile junjun tuˈn t‑xpichˈin tiˈj tchwinqil, qa at jun tkyˈi twutz Dios, a naˈmxtaq twaˈn ex tkˈwan tiˈjjo Xjan Wabˈj. 29 Quˈn alkye nwaˈn ex nkˈwan, qa mi s‑aj qˈaqˈin tkˈuˈj tiˈj Ttanim Dios, a t‑xmilil qAjaw, ax nqaninte jun tkawbˈil Dios tibˈajx kujxix wen. 30 Tuˈn tpajjo ikyjo, nimku kyxola ntiˈ kyipin, ex yabˈqe, ex ilaˈ o kyim. 31 Quˈn noqit nqo xpichˈin wen tiˈjjo qchwinqil, ex noqit nkubˈ qbˈinchin tzeˈnkux taj Dios, nlaytla tzaj tqˈoˈn tkawbˈil qibˈaj. 32 Exitla qa ma tzaj tkawbˈil qAjaw qibˈaj tzaluˈn twutz txˈotxˈ, noqitla tuˈn tjikysit qchwinqil, tuˈntzintla mi qo naje te jun majx kyukˈa nya nimilqe.

33 Tuˈnpetziˈn werman, ajtzin tok kychmoˈn kyibˈa waˈl teˈ Xjan Wabˈj, kyyoˈnku kyibˈa kykyaqilxa, quˈn junx kyokliˈn kykyaqila. 34 Ex qa at jun kyxola, a at chˈin tqˈinimil, bˈaˈn tuˈn ttzaj waˈn tja, qa at waˈyaj tiˈj, tuˈntzin mi chi tzaj kawiˈn tuˈn Dios tuˈn tpajjo chmobˈl ikyjo.

Ex atzin txqantl tiˈ, kˈwel nnikˈuˈn, aj npoˈn kyukˈiy.

11 Follow my example,(A) as I follow the example of Christ.(B)

On Covering the Head in Worship

I praise you(C) for remembering me in everything(D) and for holding to the traditions just as I passed them on to you.(E) But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ,(F) and the head of the woman is man,[a](G) and the head of Christ is God.(H) Every man who prays or prophesies(I) with his head covered dishonors his head. But every woman who prays or prophesies(J) with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is the same as having her head shaved.(K) For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head.

A man ought not to cover his head,[b] since he is the image(L) and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. For man did not come from woman, but woman from man;(M) neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.(N) 10 It is for this reason that a woman ought to have authority over her own[c] head, because of the angels. 11 Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. 12 For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God.(O)

13 Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? 14 Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, 15 but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering. 16 If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice—nor do the churches of God.(P)

Correcting an Abuse of the Lord’s Supper(Q)

17 In the following directives I have no praise for you,(R) for your meetings do more harm than good. 18 In the first place, I hear that when you come together as a church, there are divisions(S) among you, and to some extent I believe it. 19 No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God’s approval.(T) 20 So then, when you come together, it is not the Lord’s Supper you eat, 21 for when you are eating, some of you go ahead with your own private suppers.(U) As a result, one person remains hungry and another gets drunk. 22 Don’t you have homes to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the church of God(V) by humiliating those who have nothing?(W) What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you?(X) Certainly not in this matter!

23 For I received from the Lord(Y) what I also passed on to you:(Z) The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, 24 and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body,(AA) which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” 25 In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant(AB) in my blood;(AC) do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” 26 For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.(AD)

27 So then, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord.(AE) 28 Everyone ought to examine themselves(AF) before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup. 29 For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on themselves. 30 That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep.(AG) 31 But if we were more discerning with regard to ourselves, we would not come under such judgment.(AH) 32 Nevertheless, when we are judged in this way by the Lord, we are being disciplined(AI) so that we will not be finally condemned with the world.(AJ)

33 So then, my brothers and sisters, when you gather to eat, you should all eat together. 34 Anyone who is hungry(AK) should eat something at home,(AL) so that when you meet together it may not result in judgment.

And when I come(AM) I will give further directions.


  1. 1 Corinthians 11:3 Or of the wife is her husband
  2. 1 Corinthians 11:7 Or Every man who prays or prophesies with long hair dishonors his head. But every woman who prays or prophesies with no covering of hair dishonors her head—she is just like one of the “shorn women.” If a woman has no covering, let her be for now with short hair; but since it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair shorn or shaved, she should grow it again. A man ought not to have long hair
  3. 1 Corinthians 11:10 Or have a sign of authority on her