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Tej t‑xi tqanin tnana Santyaw ex Juan jun bˈaˈn te Jesús(A)

20 Tbˈajlinxiˈ ikyjo, tzaj laqˈe tnana Santyaw ex Juan, ayeˈ tkˈwal Zebedey, tkˈatz Jesús junx kyukˈa tal, ex i kubˈ meje twutz, ex xi tqanin jun bˈaˈn kyiˈj tal.

21 Xi tqanin Jesús te: ¿Tiˈtzin tajach?

Ante qya xi ttzaqˈwin: Wajatlaˈy, tuˈn kykubˈ tqˈuqbˈin wala toj Tkawbˈila toj tman qˈobˈa ex juntl toj tẍnayaja kawil tukˈiy.

22 Me ante Jesús xi ttzaqˈwin: Mi n‑el kynikyˈa teˈ ntzaj kyqaniˈn weˈy. ¿Ma akutzin tzikyˈx kyeˈ kyuˈn, tkyaqiljo jniˈ kkyˈelix wuˈn?

Ex xi kyqˈmaˈn Santyaw tukˈax Juan te: Ok kkyˈelix qe quˈn.

23 Xi ttzaqˈwinl Jesús kye: Twutzx teˈ, akula tzikyˈx kye kyuˈn tzeˈnku weˈ kkyˈelix wuˈn, me atzin tuˈn tkubˈ qe jun kyeˈ toj nman qˈobˈa ex juntl toj nẍnayaja kawil wukˈiy, nyaqin weˈ tiˈj teˈ; qalaˈ a nMaˈn, quˈn oˈkxte ojtzqilte ex bˈilte alqe kxele tqˈoˈne.

24 Atzaj teˈ qbˈintiy, awoˈy lajajtl t‑xnaqˈtzbˈin ikyjo, bˈeˈx tzaj qqˈoja kyiˈjjo kabˈel kyitzˈin kyibˈ. 25 Me o xi ttxkoˈn Jesús, ex tzaj tqˈmaˈn qeˈy: Ojtzqiˈnl kyeˈ kyuˈn tzeˈn kytenxjal nya nimil; quˈn ayetziˈn tnejil kawil, qa tiˈx jun tiˈ, manyor txˈuˈjqex tukˈa kykawbˈil, quˈn nyakuj etzinqe kyuˈn. 26 Me atzin kyxola, nya iky teˈ. Qalaˈ ankye teˈ taj tuˈn tok te nim toklin kyxola, il tiˈj tuˈn tajbˈin kye txqantl. 27 Ex ankye taj tuˈn tok te tnejil, il tiˈj tuˈn tok tzeˈnku jun aqˈnil te jun majx kye txqantl. 28 Quˈn ikytziˈn tzeˈnku weˈ, ayiˈn, a Tkˈwal Ichin, mi ẍin ul weˈ tuˈn kyajbˈinxjal weˈy; qalaˈ ayin weˈ tuˈn wajbˈiˈn kye txqantl, ex tuˈn t‑xi nqˈoˈn nchwinqila te kyxel, tuˈn kyklet te jun majx.

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A Mother’s Request(A)

20 Then the mother of Zebedee’s sons(B) came to Jesus with her sons and, kneeling down,(C) asked a favor of him.

21 “What is it you want?” he asked.

She said, “Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit at your right and the other at your left in your kingdom.”(D)

22 “You don’t know what you are asking,” Jesus said to them. “Can you drink the cup(E) I am going to drink?”

“We can,” they answered.

23 Jesus said to them, “You will indeed drink from my cup,(F) but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared by my Father.”

24 When the ten heard about this, they were indignant(G) with the two brothers. 25 Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 26 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,(H) 27 and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— 28 just as the Son of Man(I) did not come to be served, but to serve,(J) and to give his life as a ransom(K) for many.”

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