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18 Als (since) many boast according to the basar, I also will boast.

19 For magnanimously you put up with fools, being such talmidei chachomim yourselves!

20 For you put up with it quite well, if anyone trades you into slavery, if anyone turns you into their supper, if anyone lifts your wallet, if anyone exalts himself into your gontser macher, if anyone gives you a klop in the ponem.

21 To my bushah, I say that we were too weak for that! But, nevertheless, in whatever way anyone may have chutzpah in foolishness, I also will speak with chutzpah.

22 Are they Ivrim? So am I. Are they Yisre’elim? So am I. Are they Zera Avraham? So am I. [Pp 3:5]

23 Are they mesharetei HaMoshiach?‖I am talking like someone who is meshuggah.‖[1C 15:10] I can outdo them: in labors more abundantly, in imprisonments more frequently, in beatings more by far, and often near death.

24 By Yehudim chamash p’amim I had the arba’im lashes minus one! [DEVARIM 25:3]

25 Shloshah p’amim I was beaten with rods, [Ac 16:10] pa’am achat I was stoned [Ac 14:19], shloshah p’amim I was shipwrecked, spending a lailah and a yom in the open sea;

26 In journeys often, in sakanot mavet (mortal danger) from rivers, in sakanot mavet from robbers, in sakanot mavet from my own people [Ac 9:23], in sakanot mavet from Goyim [Ac 14:5], in sakanot mavet in the shtetl, in sakanot mavet in the country, in sakanot mavet in the sea, in sakanot mavet among achei sheker (false brothers);

27 In labor and toil, in watchings, often in famine and thirst, in tzomot often, in cold and nakedness; [2C 6:5];

28 Beside the things from without, there is the pressure on me yom yom, the care of all of Moshiach’s Kehillot.

29 Who is weak and I am not weak? [1C 9:22] Who is caused to fall into chet (sin), and I do not burn?

30 If it is necessary for me to boast, then I will boast of my weaknesses. [2C 12:5]

31 Hashem, Elohim HaAv of HaMoshiach Yehoshua knows (Hamevorach l’olmei olamim!) that I am not speaking sheker. [2C 1:23]

32 In Damascus the Ethnarch under King Aretas was guarding the city of Damascus to arrest me,

33 And I was let down through the wall through a window in a basket, and escaped his hands. [Ac 9:24-25]

12 It is necessary for me to boast, nothing gained by it, yet I now come to marot (visions) and chazonot (revelations) of Adoneinu.

I have da’as of a man in Moshiach arba esreh shanah (fourteen years) before, whether in or out of the basar I do not have da’as, Hashem knows—such a man was snatched up and raptured to the raki’a haShlishi of Shomayim.

And I have da’as that such a man, whether in or out of the basar I do not have da’as, Hashem knows,

That he was caught away into Gan-Eden and heard inexpressible dvarim which to utter such words Bnei Adam have no heter (permit).

On behalf of such a one I will boast, but on behalf of myself I will not boast, except in my weaknesses. [2C 11:30]

But if I desire to boast, I will not be a yold (fool) [2C 10:8; 11:16] for I will speak HaEmes; but I spare you, lest anyone gives me credit beyond what he sees in me or hears in me.

Therefore, lest I should be too exalted especially by the excess of my chazonot, there was given to me a kotz (thorn, splinter) in my basar, a malach of Hasatan, for the purpose of using his fists on me [IYOV 2:6], lest I should be too exalted. [Num 33:55]

I davened shalosh p’amim, calling upon Adoneinu that it might depart from me.

And HaAdon said to me, "My Chesed is ad kahn (sufficient for the purpose, enough) for you, for My ko’ach (power) is perfected in weakness." With lev samei’ach therefore will I boast in my weaknesses that the gevurah of Moshiach might be a shelter over me. [1Kgs 19:12]

10 Therefore, I take pleasure in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in tzoros on behalf of Moshiach; for whenever I am weak, then the gibbor (strong man) am I! [Pp 4:11,13]