4-6 For here’s what God told me:

“I’m not going to say anything,
    but simply look on from where I live,
Quiet as warmth that comes from the sun,
    silent as dew during harvest.”
And then, just before harvest, after the blossom
    has turned into a maturing grape,
He’ll step in and prune back the new shoots,
    ruthlessly hack off all the growing branches.
He’ll leave them piled on the ground
    for birds and animals to feed on—
Fodder for the summering birds,
    fodder for the wintering animals.

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This is what the Lord says to me:
    “I will remain quiet(A) and will look on from my dwelling place,(B)
like shimmering heat in the sunshine,(C)
    like a cloud of dew(D) in the heat of harvest.”
For, before the harvest, when the blossom is gone
    and the flower becomes a ripening grape,
he will cut off(E) the shoots with pruning knives,
    and cut down and take away the spreading branches.(F)
They will all be left to the mountain birds of prey(G)
    and to the wild animals;(H)
the birds will feed on them all summer,
    the wild animals all winter.

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