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25 “I have heard what the prophets who prophesy lies[a] have said in my name, saying,[b] ‘I have dreamed! I have dreamed!’ 26 How long[c] will this be in the hearts[d] of the prophets who prophesy lies,[e] even the prophets of the deceitfulness of their hearts,[f] 27 who plan to make my people forget my name by their dreams that they tell each one to his neighbor, just as their ancestors[g] forgot my name through Baal?

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  1. Jeremiah 23:25 Hebrew “lie”
  2. Jeremiah 23:25 Literally “to say”
  3. Jeremiah 23:26 Literally “Until when”
  4. Jeremiah 23:26 Hebrew “heart”
  5. Jeremiah 23:26 Hebrew “the lie”
  6. Jeremiah 23:26 Hebrew “heart”
  7. Jeremiah 23:27 Or “fathers”