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In the faith and mildness (or meekness) of him God made him holy; and chose him (out) of all men.

For he heard him, and his voice; and led him in(to) a cloud. And gave to him an heart to (the) commandments, and to the law of life, and to teaching (And gave to him an heart for the commandments, and for the law of life, and for teaching); to teach Jacob a testament, and Israel his dooms. [Forsooth he heard him, and the voice of him; and he led him in(to) a cloud. And he gave him an heart to the behests, and to the law of life, and of discipline; to teach Jacob his testament, and Israel his dooms.]

He made high Aaron, his brother, and like him of the lineage of Levi. [High he made Aaron, his brother, and a like to him of the lineage of Levi.]

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'Sirach 45:4-6' not found for the version: New International Version.