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12 The women of them be unwitty, and the sons of them be full wayward. [The women of them be unwise, and most wicked the sons of them.]

13 The creature (or the generation) of them is cursed; for why the woman barren and undefouled is blessed [or for happy is the barren, and the undefouled], that hath not known the bed in trespass; she shall have fruit in the beholding of holy souls.

14 And a man unmighty to (en)gender, or to (be)get, is blessed, that hath not wrought wickedness by (or with) his hands, neither thought most wayward things against the Lord; for why a chosen (free) gift of faith shall be given to him, and a most acceptable heritage (or inheritance) in the temple of God. [And the gelding, that wrought not by his hands wickedness, nor thought against the Lord most wicked things; forsooth there shall be given to him the chosen free gift of the belief, and lot in the temple of God most allowed.]

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