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83 topical index results for “"give up the ghost"”

LETTERS : Luke to Theophilus (the books of Luke and Acts) (Acts 1:1)
NINEVEH : Contained a population of upwards of one-hundred and twenty thousand people, when Jonah preached (Jonah 4:11)
PATHROS : (A part of Upper Egypt)
PAUL : Contends with the Judaizers against their circumcision "theology" (Acts 15:1,2)
PAUL : Visits Amphipolis, Apollonia, and Thessalonica; preaches in the synagogue (Acts 17:1-4)
PAUL : Persecuted by the Jews who come from Thessalonica; is escorted by some of the brethren to Athens (Acts 17:13-15)
PAUL : The spread of the gospel through his preaching interferes with the makers of idols; he is persecuted, and a great uproar of the city is created; the town clerk appeases the people; dismisses the accusation against Paul, and disperses the people (Acts 19:23-41; 2 Corinthians 1:8; 2 Timothy 4:14)
PAUL : Enters the temple courtyard; the people are stirred up against him by some Jews from Asia; an uproar is created; he is thrust out of the temple area; the commander of the Roman garrison intervenes and arrests him (Acts 21:26-33)
PAUL : Is encouraged by a vision from God, promising him that he will give testimony in Rome (Acts 23:11)
SCRIPTURES : Inspired by God ("God-breathed"; Greek: Theopneustos) (2 Timothy 3:16)
SECUNDUS : (A Thessalonian Christian)