Dictionary of Bible Themes – 4970 seasons, of the year
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4970 seasons, of the year

4970 seasons, of the year

Distinctive periods of the year marked by certain climatic conditions. Seasons are examples of God’s perfect order in the world. They represent the balanced cycle of creation which is sustained by God and through which his provision and mercy are made known.

Seasons are appointed by God

Seasons are created by God Ps 74:16-17 See also Ge 1:14; Ge 8:22; Ps 104:19

Seasons are sustained by God Jer 5:24 See also Job 38:32-33; Eze 34:26; Ac 14:17

The agricultural seasons of Palestine

The dry and rainy seasons Joel 2:23 The rainy season, accounting for over 90 per cent of the national rainfall, runs from October to March/April. Its beginning is marked by the autumn rains in October/November; the lighter spring showers in April/May announce the coming of the dry season. See also Ezr 10:13; Hos 6:3; Jas 5:7 Israel’s continued enjoyment of seasonal blessings was conditional upon her obedience: Lev 26:3-4; Dt 11:13-14; Dt 28:12

Seedtime and harvest Pr 20:4 Ploughing and sowing take place from October to December when the autumn rains have begun to soften the ground. Most crops are harvested between April and June. See also Ex 34:21; Nu 13:20; Job 5:26; Ps 1:3


Spring rain as a sign of blessing Job 29:23 The gentle spring rains signal the approach of harvest; Pr 16:15; Jer 3:3; Zec 10:1

Spring as a time of growth SS 2:11-13 Spring marks a pleasant interval between the heavy winter rains and the onset of the dry season. See also Pr 27:25; Joel 2:22; Mt 24:32 pp Mk 13:28 pp Lk 21:29-30

Spring as a time for war 2Sa 11:1 pp 1Ch 20:1 The time following the spring harvest (May/June), when agricultural commitments are reduced; 1Ki 20:26; 2Ki 13:20

Festivals celebrated in spring Lev 23:5-6 pp Nu 28:16-17 Passover and Unleavened Bread; Lev 23:10 offering the firstfruits of the barley harvest; Lev 23:15-16 pp Dt 16:9-10 The Feast of Weeks celebrated the ingathering of the grain harvest.


A period of intense heat Ps 32:4 See also Job 6:17

A time for harvesting summer fruit Jer 8:20 See also Pr 10:5; Jer 40:10-12 Grapes, olives and figs are harvested in July/September; Mic 7:1

A time to store harvested grain Pr 6:8; Pr 30:25


The breaking of the summer drought Ps 84:6 Autumn is the start of the rainy season and corresponds to the time of ploughing and sowing.

Festivals celebrated in autumn See also Lev 23:24 pp Nu 29:1 the Feast of Trumpets; Lev 23:27 pp Nu 29:7 the Day of Atonement; Lev 23:34 pp Nu 29:12 the Feast of Tabernacles


A time of inclement weather Job 37:6-10 See also Isa 55:10; Jer 36:22

A time when travelling is difficult Mt 24:20 pp Mk 13:18; 2Ti 4:21; Ac 27:12; 1Co 16:6; Tit 3:12

Celebration of the Feast of Dedication Jn 10:22 The Feast of Dedication (Hannukah) commemorates the rededication of the temple by Judas Maccabeus in 165 B.C.

See also

1035God, faithfulness
1325God, the Creator
5607warfare, examples
7354feasts and festivals