Dictionary of Bible Themes – 8728 enemies, of Israel and Judah
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8728 enemies, of Israel and Judah

8728 enemies, of Israel and Judah

Throughout their history, Israel and Judah contended with enemies committed to their destruction, finding refuge only in their covenant-keeping God.

Enemies of Israel

The Egyptians Ex 1:8-11; Ex 14:9; 1Ki 14:25 pp 2Ch 12:2; 2Ch 36:3

The Amalekites Ex 17:8; Jdg 3:13

The Edomites Nu 20:18; 1Ki 11:14

Sihon, king of the Amorites Nu 21:23

Og, king of Bashan Nu 21:33

The Canaanites and the surrounding nations Jos 11:1-5

The Syrians (Arameans) Jdg 3:8; 1Ki 11:25; 1Ki 20:1; 2Ki 6:8,24; 2Ki 24:2; 2Ch 28:5

The Moabites Jdg 3:12; 2Ki 1:1; 2Ki 24:2

The Ammonites Jdg 3:13; Jdg 10:9; 2Sa 10:6 pp 1Ch 19:6; 2Ki 24:2

The Midianites Jdg 6:1

The Philistines Jdg 10:7-8; 1Sa 4:1-2; 1Sa 17:1-2; 1Sa 31:1; 2Sa 5:17; 2Sa 8:1; 2Sa 21:15,18 pp 1Ch 20:4

The Assyrians 2Ki 15:19,29; 2Ki 17:3-6; 2Ki 18:13

The Babylonians 2Ki 24:1; 2Ki 25:1; 2Ch 36:5-7,15-20

Those opposed to the rebuilding under Ezra and Nehemiah Ezr 4:4-6; Ezr 5:3; Ne 2:10

Haman the Persian Est 3:5-6

The Greeks Zec 9:13

The Romans Jn 11:48

Characteristics of Israel’s enemies

They were often more numerous than Israel 1Sa 13:5 See also Na 1:12

They were often better equipped Jos 17:16 See also 1Sa 13:19-22

They were cruel and oppressive Jer 6:23 See also Ex 6:5-9; Dt 28:33; Jdg 6:2-6; Jer 50:42; Hab 1:6

They were cunning Ps 83:3

They were determined to destroy Israel Ps 83:4

They were often in league with each other See also Ps 83:5-8

God helped Israel against her enemies

He opposed Israel’s enemies Ge 12:3 See also Ex 23:22

He protected Israel Dt 23:14; Ne 4:15; Ne 6:16; Ps 125:2; Isa 51:22; Isa 59:19

He delivered Israel Nu 10:9; 1Sa 12:11; 2Ki 17:39; Lk 1:71

He gave Israel victory Ex 23:27 See also Lev 26:7-8; Nu 10:35; Dt 6:19; Dt 33:27; Ps 60:12 pp Ps 108:13; Ps 68:1; Isa 54:15

He destroyed Israel’s enemies Ex 15:6 See also Dt 20:17; Dt 30:7; Jos 10:19; 2Ch 20:29; Ps 44:5

He gave Israel rest Dt 12:10 See also Dt 25:19; 1Ki 5:3-4; 1Ch 22:9

Israel’s attitude towards her enemies

Israel was not to fear them Dt 20:1-4 See also 1Sa 17:45-47

Israel was to pray for deliverance 1Ki 8:33-34 pp 2Ch 6:24-25; 1Ki 8:37-40 pp 2Ch 6:28-31; Ezr 8:22-23; Ps 74:3,10,18,22-23

Kindness was to be shown to Israel’s enemies Ex 23:4-5; 2Ki 6:21-23; Pr 25:21-22; Ro 12:20

Thanksgiving for victory over Israel’s enemies

Giving thanks to God was the proper response to victory Ex 15:1 See also 2Sa 8:11-12 pp 1Ch 18:11; Ps 136:24

Israel often forgot to give thanks to God Jdg 8:33-34

God used enemies to chastise Israel

Dt 28:47-48 See also Lev 26:44 Because of his covenant, the Lord was unwilling to destroy Israel completely at the hand of her enemies; Dt 28:53; Jdg 2:10-23; Jdg 6:1; Isa 8:5-8

See also

1320God as Saviour
7233Israel, northern kingdom
7236Israel, united kingdom
7245Judah, kingdom of

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